lördag 15 oktober 2011


My game ilooli is in playtest. If you are a XBLIG developer. Try it out at: http://bit.ly/n0kp2T

måndag 29 augusti 2011

Development update #ilooli

Have sketched this evening on the world map for the game ilooli. The map will be approximately 70% of Metroid 1's world map. I have also began to draw out part one of the world. So within a few days I will post a new video clip that shows a little of what I have done.

I have also worked with the design document for the game. I have begun to write down the story properly. So I will post it when it's done.

fredag 12 augusti 2011

WIP Screenshot

This is a new screen on a new game I'm working on. It will be an action adventure game. The idea is thatit will be much the same way as Eelo, but with different graphics and storyline.

torsdag 30 juni 2011

Game engine

So what's up? I haven't done much game programming lately. But the NEW game is no longer in "idea-state". I have started programming on the new game engine for that game, and it's going pretty well I think. The game project is called "Goat Monsters From Mars Ate My Life Stock", and it's going to be an action hillbilly game. :)

One of the team members are having trouble right now with his computer. So the graphic parts for the game has not been digitialized yet. But I'm optimistic, and I hope we will put together some awesome graphics really soon, so we have something to show too the community.

NOW.... back to some XNA 4.0 programming!

tisdag 26 april 2011

Xbox360Digest review

Another review!!!


For those who don´t know this... I´ll having a break on all game development for the moment. I have just became a father again for the second time.

I will update shortly with progress on Rescue The Moon Warp.

måndag 21 februari 2011

New review for The Deep Cave

It is always funny to read reviews for the games you make. Here is a new review about my game The Deep Cave.

"There’s no denying that The Deep Cave sits among the other titles found in the upper tier of platformers on Microsoft’s service. It’s a lengthy adventure with large ratio of fun-to-frustration and a good deal of creative levels. Asking more out of a game like this would be asking too much."


måndag 3 januari 2011

The Bringer

This is just W.I.P. More info will be revealed soon. Stay tuned.